Sunday, February 1, 2009

In a Longing

Things move slowly in small moments
Where patience is finding it’s way
Very slowly
And things drive along as if knowing
That this were the moment
Before life turned again

I am learning
Yes, I am learning
But slowly
Very slowly
As if nothing ever were
But everything is about to be

And I was there
Yes, today
In the house
Where I grew to know my shame
And yet
I felt a slow sigh of relief
Knowing that shame has nothing on me

I woke up
Many mornings
And I wondered what the day would bring

And at night
For years
I tucked my secrets in beside me
Praying that no one uncover
The truth
Hidden so deeply
But surfacing slowly
So slowly
That I never noticed until the truth was seen

And I broke
But the building began again
More marvelous than anything I wished for
Veiled in meaningless parts of what I refused believe

Yet in this moment
Moving slowly
Remembering deeply
And wondering what kind of Love has found me
I see
Beautiful things
That reveal a glory
I was longing to see

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