Beauty? I must wonder what this word really means. As a human being and especially a woman, I will be hearing this word for the rest of my life. There is so much pressure put on girls to be beautiful. Sometime... somewhere... some idiot decided that it would be an all too funny joke to brainwash everyone into thinking that a woman's worth lies in her beauty. The first problem that I have with this right off the bat is that beauty is a very relative term. No one can put a clear definition on it. Beauty is also very much in the "eye of the beholder". The
n I would have to bring up another problem that I have with this theory in general. Why do we (women) allow ourselves to be defined by how "desirable" we are? The only explaination I've ever come up with is... men. Oh men! Silly
/ridiculous ideals. So, men tell us that we need to be desirable and I can not fully blame them for it. Why would they stop when we (women) continuously buy into it and engulf our lives with the pursuit of it. So, anyone who knows me well knows that I hate pictures (of myself). I have a hard time with the concept of being a two demensional figure. I see myself as so much more than that with so many different things to bring to the table and most/if not all of them have absolutely nothing to do with my looks. Therefore, I have a hard time seeing a flat picture of myself and knowing that this picture is respenting me as an individual. I do not see where that would be an accurate judgement at all. That is the same concept that I apply to beauty. Of course everyone has had their far away crushes (movie stars, rap stars, rock stars.... stars in general). I won't lie. I had a poster of Jonathan Taylor Thomas when I was younger, and not to mention Brad Pitt or any/all of the other slightly ridiculous far away
crush stereotypes. However, I find now that my perception of attrativeness, beauty, or definition of a person in general has nothing to do with what we would sterotipically define as "good looking". A person who has great character and a real sincere love for God is probably the most attractive and beautiful thing in the world. People just are not pictures to me anymore. People can not be contained in two demensions. People are al
ways going to be complex and there is something beautiful about that. So, I would propose that as women we should see those beautiful things in ourselves. Who cares what magazines or television says? We don't! There is so much more to a person than that, and if a guy is truly worth having he will see that. That old scam just won't work anymore. I'm not saying this to say that a woman should not take pride in her appearance, but it should be for a personal reason. I think it's time that we r
edefine beauty.

This is awesome Catie! You should keep writing articles! I love everything about this- especially how it was designed, with the pictures of women scattered throughout it. Maybe you have a little secret journalist hiding inside of you?? Lol very cool!
Nice Article. I think it's sad that people have now dumbed beauty down to mean physical appearance. That word is meant to be rich and deep. Not shallow and cheap. Girls, don't let guys or the media warp the beautiful creation you are meant to be. Half the battle is in your head. The rest is out there in the world.
I love you Catie! What are you doing tonight?
By the way this was a deep article. Beauty is much more than just physical appearance. A gorgeous girl who has nothing going on inside her head or is ungrateful and hateful is just as unattractive as a life tampering Stephanie kind of person. Too much emphasis on beauty and the need for it has been pushed upon us from everywhere. As long as you are comfortable with yourself it all should come around in the end.
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