Is there anything left to be written?
Has it all been said?
My perspective is not that different
And my God remains the same
They always said I reached too high
Too far
But I would like to sing a new song
Write a new letter
I wish to describe my God in ways that have yet to be written
And yet to be read
To capture a moment in everything that is holy
Everything that is beautiful
To throw it all onto a page
And read it with tears
Take all the emotions that I can muster up
And throw them into a verse
About my Savior
Tell the world how good He is to me
That I have something to live for now
And there is no doubt in my mind
That I would not have survived
Without Him
That I still have no life sustaining abilities on my own
I depend on Him completely
And I need to write it perfectly
I need to see it on paper
And then say it out loud
I am desperate to let it out
Into a world everything is "take it or leave it"
And they do with it as they please
But I need to let it out of me
A way to describe the love that we feel
The love that moves through my bones and my cells
And flows into the world
Where I know that Love will save us all
Salvation is here
Just open your eyes
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